My role
To reach this fundraising goal within six months, I knew the team would need a few things from me. First, would be a clear brand, a distinct personality and visual identity that hadn't been seen before. Second, would be loads of compelling pitch and fundraising materials. And third, was an exciting product vision, something that that not only demonstrated the functionality of online betting, but rather, showcased the thrilling and exciting experience that the founders had envisioned.
I provided strong brand direction, and countless pitch materials. But the work I'm most proud of was in the conceptual designs for the product itself. With this concept design, I let my imagination soar. In this unique situation I was unrestrained by component libraries or previous product templates. I simply tried to create the most immersive, brand-heavy, Â artistic and unique product that I could imagine. I had a lot of fun choosing colors, fonts, and injecting personality into the concepts wherever I could.